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Dog Agility Tunnels

Dog Agility Tunnels

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If you have a high energy dog, the sport of agility is for you. Get started with dog agility tunnels.


There are two kinds of tunnels used in agility: open and blind. An open tunnel is open at both ends so your dog can see the opening as he runs through. This is often used in beginning agility. Bllnd tunnels have a structured opening with no structure at the other end. This requires your dog to push his way through the rest of the tunnel. 


These tunnels are built for easy setup and take-down. The wire structure is sturdy enough to hold up to an excited dog running in, but simple enough to collapse and set up without any tools required. 


The open tunnel is 6 1/2 feet long and 24 inches across. Its rigid structure stays open when in use and can be collapsed down for easy transport. Tie-downs keep the tunnel in place as your dog runs through. The blind tunnel is 24 inches across and a full 8 feet long to give your dog a real challenge.


Perfect for use in training for agility competitions or for backyard fun. Order your dog agility tunnels today.


*Limited quantity. Clearance pricing. Not eligible for return or exchange except in event of manufacturer defect.

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