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Kurgo Wander Bed

Kurgo Wander Bed

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Easily portable bed to take when you and your dog take a trip.


The Kurgo Wander Bed is the winner of Dog World magazine's Editor's Choice award for innovation, uniqueness and benefit to dogs and owners.


In winning this award, Kurgo was recognized for creating a portable dog bed that is lightweight, is stored like a sleeping bag, and includes a zippered compartment for storing toys and other travel necessities.  This is one of our favorite beds on the market today.

This bed is available in 2 colors and 2 sizes.

  • Colors:  Blue and Brown
  • Sizes: Medium (25" x 36" open, 12.5" x 8" rolled) and Large (36" x 48" open, 17.5" x 8" rolled)

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