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Triple Threat Bouncy Bone

Triple Threat Bouncy Bone

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The perfect for for any dog who loves to chew, chase, and gnaw.


The Triple Threat Bouncy Bone is 3 toys in 1:


   •  Chew: The durable bone-shaped ends are good for dogs who like chewing on hard bones.
   •  Chase: The rubber ball in the center bounces, making it a fun toy to chase around the house.
   •  Gnaw: All natural Gnawhide rawhide between the bone and the ball is a delicious treat to gnaw on.
Best of all, the Gnawhide treats last longer than rawhide treats alone because they're part of a toy. This gives your dog more satisfaction with fewer treats. To replace the Gnawhide, simply unscrew the bone ends, slide on a Gnawhide, and screw the bone back into the ball. That's it.
The Triple Threat Bouncy Bone comes in 3 sizes: Small, Medium, and Large. Refill Gnawhides are sized to fit each size of toy. Each refill pack includes 16 Gnawhides.

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